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Finding Freedom - Introducing the Free and Fit Course

Faith and Fitness – Introducing the Free and Fit Course

Freedom Bio by Tim Cheux Faith and Fitness Founder

Freedom. The hardest thing to find. The easiest thing to give away. We dispel our fears in the playground when we are young. Telling our fellow class mates during break time how daring and courageous we are and how much freedom we have in our own minds and how we can achieve so much without fear. Climbing walls, jumping off diving boards, cycling down hills or skate boarding the highest jump.

All of these accomplishments may have never happened, but apparently by bragging on the playground about them we demonstrate a sense of freedom that we have over other people. That we are better. More. We are freer than they are or we are more fearless than they are. It is quite astounding how such illusions deny us freedom. Guilt and shame instead of freedom and confidence. We end up doing the complete opposite to what we are aiming to achieve. We end up building up a sense of self-pity, denial and deceit so much so that we end up lying to ourselves and living out a false truth.

The question of how to find freedom is one we all seek to find the answer to. Today, unlike when we were young playing on the playground, the stakes have changed. Now it’s at school re-unions and family times when we declare our abilities and life achievements. It reminds me of the sketch on Family Guy when Peter goes to a school re-union as an Astronaut with a gold medallion and cowboy hat as he is million dollar business man and astronaut. We still are all trying to demonstrate and create a sense of worth, fulfilment, accomplishment, identity and above all an aura, a sense of freedom that isn’t quite real, but actually almost like a mirage creates a barrier. In our own minds it makes us almost untouchable, but actually it distances us from the people we love and the dreams we once aspired to achieve.

Freedom in the place of our hearts and our minds is different. How can we possibly think emotionally about freedom if we are logically restricting our hearts to do what our minds want to express. Can we release our hearts to do a logistical job? Can we find a responsible outcome to an emotional breakdown? Perhaps we can find freedom in establishing who we really are in the moment, we find our feet, we stand up, we elevate our rank and position and we feel free to exert ourselves onto the world.

We are then present in the world. A type of world where people are striving, competing, seeking perfection and a generation of creating the same new ideas. People fight for the royalties of any kind of expression of new beginnings. Law suits, patents, copyright, trademarks and all kinds of legal angles are generated to find a pathway to freedom of expression of a name, brand or image. Yet, which are we? A brand? An image? A name? Freedom doesn’t help us to identify this question or start to answer it, but thinking more liberally perhaps freedom can help us to demonstrate a freedom of expression which demonstrates a freedom from attack or a freedom from self-denial. We are at risk. We are at war. We are at peace. We are safe. Which place do you find yourself in? We all need, we all want and we all express a desire for freedom. Help yourself today and think about what you define freedom to be.

The words of the bible say that it is for freedom that you have been set free. Jesus requests us to stand firm. Will this article provide you freedom? Will it challenge you? Motivate you? Educate you? Teach you? Speak to you? Find out! Read. Conquer. Enjoy and Keep freedom!


  1. What is freedom to you? Define it in emotional terms

  2. What is freedom to you? Define it in logistical terms?

  3. How have you found freedom in the past?

  4. What pathways are you following today? Pos/Neg?

  5. How can you find freedom in the bible?

  6. What does the bible say about freedom?

Maria's Testimony

I started Faith & Fitness 9 months ago. I was invited by a friend. By that time I was apart from God but through Faith & Fitness I came back to Father God again and now I feel closer to him and all my life is happier + I love being healthy, Faith & Fitness help to achieve a better, gain new friends! :) I'm glad that accepted to join Faith & Fitness as Tim as a leader and his team are very welcoming and makes you feel like you're at home. I love assisting every week to meet them and learn more about God, make good friends and be healthy by doing such enjoyable sports like my favourite squash! Thank you for all the kindness and the friendship Tim and team!

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